Don’t miss the final event in the Spring ’22 Center for Health Disparities Research Seminar Series!
On Friday, May 20 at 10:00 a.m. CDT, join Dr. Kristen Malecki (Population Health Sciences) for a presentation and discussion on Advancing Health Equity: Approaches and Frameworks in Exposomal Research.
During this event, Dr. Malecki will lead a discussion on the importance of intentional and explicit research-based strategies that prioritize larger, more diverse and representative population-based samples, employ a social determinants of health framework, and adopt a “compound” exposome approach to understand the etiologies, magnitude, and biological consequences of racial, ethnic, gender, and socioeconomic disparities.
This work furthers the call endorsed by the NIH for a mechanistic, multidimensional, and life-course based approach capable of advancing scientific solutions by mobilizing the research community to produce work grounded in health equity considerations, elucidating the biological consequences of social and environmental exposures more clearly, and intervening (through policies and practice) to address these disparities.
Dr. Kristen Malecki holds a PhD in Environmental Epidemiology and Health Policy and Master of Public Health from Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. Dr. Malecki is an Associate Professor of Population Health Sciences and serves as the Director for the Survey of the Health of Wisconsin (SHOW), overseeing survey implementation efforts and ancillary study development. Dr. Malecki’s current research examines how epigenetic, transcriptomic, and the microbiome serve as mediators or modify human response to environmental and social stressors, contributing to a richer understanding of the ways social and environmental determinants of health intersect and lead to health disparities.
Registration is not required, and there is no cost to attend.
The event will be hosted on Zoom (please click flyer image for details and link).